
Mastercraft wet jet owners manual
Mastercraft wet jet owners manual

If this was the problem source, the well pump will continue to run until pressure builds up to the pressure control switch cut-out level and the pump should stop. Turn off or repair running toilets, outdoor garden hose hook-ups or lawn sprinklers, or supply piping that is leaking. If you have turned off water at the water pressure tank and the well pump is still running, before blaming the pump, controls, piping, well, look once more for water supply piping that may be ahead of the valve where you turned off water. If the pump continues to run the problem is not likely to be a running fixture or pipe leak downstream (in the building) from this point. Turn off the main water supply to the building, typically found at the water pressure tank. If water is running somewhere in the building water supply system (don't forget outside garden hoses and lawn sprinklers) at a rate faster than the pump can deliver from the well, the pump will run continuously. What to Check if the Well Pump Will Not Stop Running Step through the diagnostic points in the table below. How to diagnose a water pump that won't shut off - the well pump keeps on running. See WATER PRESSURE LOSS DIAGNOSIS & REPAIR. Running a water pump "dry" risks causing internal damage to the pump. If the building has no water pressure, turn off the water pump immediately. Watch out: the first thing to do to protect your pump from damage if it simply won't turn off is to shut off electrical power to the pump. Well depth may have implicationsįor water quantity and quality and vulnerability to surface water contamination. We know from the fact that this is a single line jet well pump that the well is a shallow one, probably less than 27' deep. The photograph at page top shows a one-line jet pump, the water pressure tank, and a water softener. Table of Diagnostic Steps for a Well Pump that Won't Shut Off We also provide an ARTICLE INDEX for this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need. We include water pump manufacturer contact information for most borehole or well pump brands. Here is our Table of Diagnostic Steps for a Well Pump that Won't Shut Off. We warn that the pump may be damaged if the cause is not fixed promptly. While the repair may be a simple adjustment to the pressure control switch, we warn that there are other causes of continuous pump running that are more serious such as a plumbing leak or a failing well. This article explains how to diagnose & repair a bore hole or well water water pump that keeps on running and won't shut off. Several problems can cause a water pump to keep running instead of shutting off when it should, and each of these suggests its own diagnostic step to finding out what's happening with your well pump. We have no relationship with advertisers, products, or services discussed at this website. InspectAPedia tolerates no conflicts of interest.

Mastercraft wet jet owners manual