At this point, run the 'PSA SBOX Keygen' on the DVD 2, select the language that you have chosen first, then copy the activation code and then Ctrl + V to paste your Activation Code in the activation field empty. In the screen (about the client terminal) to choose 'NO' and then 'Next' 6. On the home screen of the screen click 'Next' 5. Contact US for more details about how to buy this manual. After a while ', select your language and click 'OK' 4.Ĭitroen Peugeot PSA SBox. Now enter the 1st DVD (Sedre is the part I) and if the installer does not starts automatically, 'Explore' via My Computer, and run it from there expect little '. Pay attention HUGE on this passage: IF you try to install the SBOX in 1x PC installed the PSA diagbox or Lexia or PPO (S Diagnostics / W for Group PSA.) click on the file 'Kill PSA Tasks.bat' and follow simply screen instructions! - 2. Do you now how I check what version of doc backup im running? -PEUGEOT SERVICE BOX INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS - First of all, you need to have installed on any Java platform! Am wondering if its just because im using win7, it worked all ok on xp. Read some NEW "Rules" and you will got it.

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